5 Ways To Connect With Your Child

Connecting with your children is an important part of building a bond that will last forever. While your child may have friends, school and activities on their mind, they do enjoy connecting with you. There are several ways to connect child, from having a deep conversation to playing their favorite games. Use the following ideas as a guide to help you connect with your child.


Plan A Date Night

Plan a date night with your child every week, in which you spend quality time together. The activities can include going out to eat, visiting a museum or walking through the park. If you have more than one child, make sure each child can spend some alone time with you.


Play With Your Child

There is nothing wrong with acting like a kid again, especially if it means connecting with your child. You can color, build with blocks or play pretend games with your younger children. Your older children may enjoy tossing the football around, playing a board game or playing a video game with you. You may even decide to work on a hobby together, such as beading or building a model airplane. It is important to ask your child what he or she wants to do, so they know you are interested in playing their favorite games.

Having a good arts & crafts session with your kids can be an excellent way to connect with them. Check out P’kolino Art Supplies

Play The “Highs and Lows” Game

Use dinnertime to connect with your children by playing a game of “Highs and Lows.” Everyone at the table shares their high and low points of the day. It may be good for each person to list one to three of each. This way, there is plenty to talk about, and everyone has the chance to join in on the conversation.

Use Car Drives To Connect

One way to connect child is to hold a conversation with them. It allows you to get to know them better, and they get to know you better as well. However, things can become rather busy with school, work, and other activities. You should do what you can to connect with your child, even if it means using the car drive to school and afterschool programs to talk. Invite your child to run errands or pick up dinner with you, and use that time to talk about your day. Some of the deepest, most meaningful conversations happen during that simple car ride.


Set a Goal and Meet It Together

Talk to your child about a goal you would like to work towards with them. The goals can include reading a book series aloud, completing a large jigsaw puzzle or working on a clay pottery project. If you have more than one child, be sure to come up with a goal for each child. While you are working on a goal with each child, you can also add one group goal to the list. The group goals can include practicing healthy eating, exercising several times a week and planting a family garden. Each child has the opportunity to work on their goal with you, but they also learn how to reach a goal as a family.


Remember, if you have more than one child, try to set aside some time to connect with them one-on-one. It is important to do things as a family, but it is also important to get to know your child individually.

When you take the time to connect child, it allows you to build a long lasting relationship. Your child will always remember how much effort you put into this relationship, and they will be grateful for the time you have spent together.

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