Putting a Personal Touch on Your Nursery


When you begin the nursery decoration process, you will most likely start with the furniture. Most people opt for coordinating cribs, dressers, and changing tables, but there are so many designs to choose from. Once you’ve chosen your style (traditional, modern, eclectic to name a few), you can add bedding and be done with it, or you can go one step further. P’kolino offers a fantastic range of cribs and dressers with optional customizable panels to suit every taste. Simply select the pattern, name, and/or digital image of your choosing, and your furniture will arrive with the designs built into the wooden panels. If you change your mind later on, don’t worry, because all customizable panels are removable!

Pkolino Nursery Line


Once you’ve chosen the furniture for your nursery, it’s time to make it livable. Bedding sets like these from P’kolino come in bright, vivid colors with mix and match pieces to suit your tastes, so choose from any color palette or pattern you like. This might be one of the only times you can decorate for your child without demands for Disney characters and dinosaurs, so take advantage and spring for a bold, modern design. Choose coordinating sheets, blankets, rail guards, cribs skirts, and changing pad covers to tie the room together.

Pkolino Nursery Line

Accessories and decor

Perhaps the easiest way to put your style footprint on your baby’s nursery is with accessories. In addition to the family photographs, traditional toys, and personal trinkets that will inevitably fill the shelves of your nursery, it’s a good idea to accessorize the walls with removable wallpaper and decals. The best part of the removable decor is that it can be switched out whenever you like, so don’t be afraid to make bold choices here, too. Check out the fantastic whimsical and retro patterns offer at P’kolino if you’re looking for something slightly off the wall (pardon the pun).

Pkolino Nursery Line



Written by Kaitlin Krull

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