10 Tips for Making Reading Fun for Your Child

Reading is an important part of childhood. It encourages children to use their imagination and think outside the box. The best way to get your child to read is to make it fun. Use the following tips to make reading an exciting activity for your child.

Create a Reading Spot:

There is nothing like curling up in a cozy spot and reading a good book. You can create that spot with a comfortable chair, bean bag chair or floor pillows. Work together to create a spot that is comfortable for both of you. Children who have a special reading spot are likely to sit down and open a book.

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Get Your Child A Library Card:

You are never too young to get a library card. There are many libraries that provide cards just for children. Let your child pick out several books to take home. Remember to explain that he must return the book before he can choose another. Your child will love checking out books with his own library card.

Build Up His Library:

When birthdays and holidays roll around, encourage your child to add at least two books to his wish list. This is a great way to build up his personal library.


Keep In Reach of Children:

Your child may lose interest in reading if he has to struggle to reach his books every day. Use a small bookcase, shelf or stand to keep the books where he can reach them. Let your child arrange his own books.

Let Your Child Pick The Book:

Let your child pick the book during reading time. He knows what he is interested in, and you want books that hold his interest. It makes him feel important when he can help create a reading spot or pick the book.


Set Aside Time To Read Daily:

Your child will start to enjoy reading if you do it every day. Set aside some time every day to read with your child. It is a great way to spend time with your little one.


Make It A Bedtime Ritual:

Let your child pick several books to keep by their bed. The books should be short with a happy ending. Read one book to your child every night. It grows their love for reading while encouraging pleasant dreams.


Give The Books Life:

Use different voices, a dramatic narration, and sound effects to make the books come to life. It encourages your child to use his imagination and have fun with reading. He may even start to make voices and sound effects with you.

Interact With Your Child:

Talk to your child about the story you are reading. You can ask him questions such as “What do you think will happen next?” or “Who is your favorite character in this book?” If the book is about the alphabet or counting, let your child participate in pointing out the letters or counting the objects. You can even make fun comments about the characters and scenery.


Lead By Example:

It is no secret that your child is going to follow your example. Show your child how great reading is by building up your own library. You can even discuss the books with your child. Tell him about your favorite character from your book, and ask him about his favorite character from his book as well.

Reading together, using your imagination and interacting with your child makes reading time a very special time. It will become a time he looks forward to every day. He will even start reading without you letting him know it is reading time.


There’s nothing more beautiful than the look on toddlers’ face when they sit in their own Little Reader Toddler Chairs for the first time! Take a look>

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