Healthy Snacks That Your Kids Will Love

We all know that little kids need to eat the right food to feel strong and with energy to play all day long. But finding food that is tasty and healthy can be tricky when you are dealing with little ones. Well, these simple snacks are healthy and super delicious! Not only that, your kids will love them too! And guess what? They are really easy to make! 

1. Peanut Butter Cheerio Bars Recipe


(Passion For Savings

2.  Sledding Penguins Frozen Banana Snack


(Reading Confetti)

3.  PB Yogurt Dip + Apple Slices


(Skinny Mom)

4. PB and Fruit Balls


(Skinny Mom)

5. Warm Banana Roll-Up


(Super Healthy Kids

6.  Apple Cookies


(Paleo Eats And Treats)

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